Alabama Reciprocal Real Estate License

Alabama Reciprocates Real Estate Licenses with Most Other States

States nearest Alabama

States Most Commonly Reciprocated With Alabama

I get calls every week from out-of-state Realtors® looking for a 6-hour Alabama License Law class so they can get Alabama Real Estate License.
Let me explain Alabama’s Reciprocal License process. First of all the Alabama Real Estate Commission Requirements are 6 hours of class time that focuses on Alabama License Law. There are individual courses directed at both the salesperson and brokers. The schools that offer these courses design a special course to meet the Commission’s requirements for each position.

Special Reciprocal Class Requirements

Alabama Real Estate Institute offers a Reciprocal Salesperson class and a Reciprocal Broker’s class. Both classes are 6-hours in length and the cost for each individual course is only $99. We only offer these courses via online/internet due to the physical location of student taking the class.

Reciprocal Classes Can Be Completed In Only One Day

From the beginning to the end, a reciprocal class can be completed in a day’s time if a person so desires. Once the online course has been completed, the school administrator will issue the required credits to the Alabama Real Estate Commission, and also to Amplified Measurement Professionals (AMP); which is the state chosen testing company.

Alabama State Exam Fee

Once the school instructor sends the student directions, they may setup their state exam with AMP.  The fee for taking each state exam is $71. A passing grade on state exams are 70% correct answers or better. State exams can be taken as many times as necessary, within one year from the date of completing the online class.

Making Application For Reciprocal License

Upon successfully completing the state exam, the student may apply for their Alabama license by completing the required application and providing a current copy of licensure from their home state. Let me point out that the Application for License is the same form that Alabama Sales Prelicense uses so be don’t be concerned that there’s no form especially for referral agents.

The process is very simple and the exam is not difficult if you understand Alabama License Law, and how Agency in Alabama differs from your state. Other information is available by following this link; Reciprocal. One thing that makes the reciprocal process easier is the assistance I provide all my students. I guide you every step of the way.

I would also like to invite you to subscribe to my “News & Updates,” a weekly report to help you stay abreast of issues that might affect you when buying or selling real estate.

Comments 86

  1. What states does Alabama reciprocate with for a Real Estate Broker license. I am licensed in Indiana and have looked but cannot find the list.


    1. Post

      There’s not a list of states because Alabama reciprocates with virtually all states. Indiana is a state Alabama reciprocates with. I have had a lot of students from Indiana as well as all your surrounding states. The reciprocal process is very simple, quick and very easy. I direct my students step by step through the entire process to make it as easy as possible.

      1. I also have a GA Salesperson license. If I take the 6 hour course for licensure in AL, where do I take the state exam?

        1. Post
  2. So, if I want to do business as a real estate salesperson in Alabama, and I hold an active current Ga brokers license do I need to take 6 hrs of Alabama law? Have few clients in Georgia wanting me to represent them in a Ala transaction? If I simply refer them I assume no educational requirements?

    1. Post

      Thank you Donna for inquiring about getting an Alabama license. Since you are licensed in Georgia, you can take a 6-hour reciprocal salesperson course, then take a 40-question state exam and you can have an Alabama license in 10-14 days. You are correct in that you don’t need an Alabama license if you refer them to an Alabama agent but if you have several clients you may want to go ahead and get your Alabama license. Call me and I’ll explain the entire process.

  3. Hi James,

    Once you sign up for the 6 hour reciprocal salesperson course, how long do you have to complete the online class? I understand, the State exams can be taken as many times as necessary, within one year from the date of completing the online class.



    1. Post

      Thank you Cheryl for asking that question. You have access to the course material for six months from the date of purchase. However, most people complete the reciprocal courses in 1-2 days since they are so short. If you have additional questions just let me know.

  4. I hold a real estate salesperson license in California. Does Alabama have a reciprocal agreement with California? I saw on another website a list of states, and California was not on that list. Please advise.

    1. Post

      Susan Alabama does reciprocate with California. I have helped many California agents get a reciprocal license in Alabama. It is a very quick and easy process. I have emailed you directly a complete explanation of all the requirements. Please feel free to reply to my email for a quick response.

  5. I’m a broker in South Carolina and Georgia. How do I get a license in Alabama? Can it be completed online and what is the time frame?

    1. Post

      James I am happy to answer your questions and I also appreciate your inquiry. I will email you a complete explanation of the entire process. Alabama reciprocates with both Georgia and South Carolina. However, it is important that you know that you can only reciprocate from the state in which you were originally licensed. This is a mistake some agents make. They try to reciprocate from a state they are licensed in but it is not the state where they originally got their license. For this reason I always suggest that you never let your license lapse in the state originally licensed because we never know the curves life will throw us. Check your email for a complete explanation.

  6. How About New Jersey? Does Alabama have a reciprocal agreement with New Jersey? Please advise.

    1. Post

      Yes, Alabama does reciprocate with New Jersey. It’s a very simple and quick process. License can be obtained in as few as 10-14 days if needed that quickly. I have sent you an email containing an explanation of the entire process in full detail. You will find it very helpful.

  7. How about Georgia? I’m licensed Broker in Ga sending some clients soon to Auburn, Alabama very possibly!

    1. Post

      Yes we also reciprocate with Georgia. Matter of fact I have had many people from Georgia do their required education with AREI and get their reciprocal license. I have also sent you an email containing an explanation of the entire process. Thanks for inquiring.

  8. I hold a current Florida Brokers license. What is needed in Alabama to hold the same as a resident? Thx

    1. Post

      First let me thank you for inquiring about the process of getting an Alabama Reciprocal real estate license. We have a lot of information on the school website, that you can read but I am happy to walk you through the entire process as follows:
      Step 1. You must complete a 6-hour Sales Prelicense Course. It is important that you select the proper course because they are specific to the license you currently hold. For example if you are a salesperson you need to purchase the “Alabama Reciprocal Salesperson Course”; if you are a broker, then you need to purchase the “Alabama Broker Reciprocal Course.” Both of our reciprocal courses are 100% online. There are no books or study guides. Everything covered on the required 40 question state exam is covered in these courses. I am a strong proponent of the online courses for several reasons. They are less expensive, they are more convenient to the student, there are less interruptions which helps the student stay focused on the subject matter, and online students seem to make much higher exam scores. My cost for the online courses are $99 and for your convenience I am providing you this direct link to purchase:
      Alabama Reciprocal Salesperson then scroll down to the third option.
      Alabama Reciprocal Broker then scroll down to the second option.
      Both Reciprocal Prelicense package is everything you need, and it’s all online.
      A. Within a matter of minutes from purchasing the course, you can be logged in and beginning your studies. You can log in and out of the course as often as needed to fit your requirements. Every time you log back in, it takes you back to the last page you were on. You can revisit any area of the course that you have already taken but you can’t advance beyond the material you have already covered until you complete the assignments. You have six months from the date of purchase to complete the online course. There are quizzes throughout the course which makes sure you are comprehending what is being taught. The quizzes are great learning tools. After completing the entire online course you will take an online test that you must answer 75% or better correctly. Upon passing this test, you will move forward in the testing process to the next step.
      B. The next step is very simple. I will send you a document to complete and send back to me. I will also send you a link to use to pre register with the.Alabama Real Estate Commission. Upon completing this process you will be issued an identification number.
      C. Once you send me the ID number I will issue the designated credits to the Alabama Real Estate Commission and they in turn will forward the credits to AMP (the state testing company) which allows you to sit for the state exam. I will then send you an email with a link and instructions for setting up the state exam. The State exam consist of 40 questions covering only the state portion, all on Alabama License Law. The passing score is 70 or better. In Alabama, state exams are offered in Mobile, Montgomery, Birmingham, Athens, and Huntsville. For students from other states, you will be able to select a city most convenient for you. When signing up to take the state exam, the testing company will list the cities they offer Alabama exams in your state.
      Step 2. Upon passing the state exam the testing company will give you a packet that contains an application for Alabama license. You will complete that application and send it to the real estate commission. Effective July 1, 2015 you must also send in a fingerprint card. Testing companies located in Alabama will also provide you with the fingerprint card. Students taking the state exam in another state, the card can also be obtained by contacting the Alabama Real Estate Commission at 334-242-5544 and ask for the licensing department. The Commission will mail the card to you. It can be emailed.You can also obtain it through a Law Enforcement Agency. At least they can give you proper directions. Electronic fingerprint cards are not accepted. They must be professionally rolled. Below is a list of things you must take with you.
      A valid unexpired U.S. state-issued photo driver’s license or photo ID (non-drive) card;
      A valid unexpired Active Duty, Retiree or Reservist military ID card (DD Form 2 or 2A);
      A valid unexpired U.S. Military Dependent ID card (for spouse or children of Active Duty Military personnel);
      A valid unexpired U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Documentation, which may include:
      Certificate of Naturalization N-550, N-570, N-578; or
      Certificate of Citizenship N-560, N-561, N-645
      A valid unexpired U.S. Passport; or
      A valid unexpired Foreign Passport which meets the following requirements:
      A foreign passport must contain a Valid U.S. Visa or I-94 to be used as a primary proof of identification; or
      A foreign passport, not issued in English, must be translated and accompanied by a Certificate of Accurate Translation. Passports are not acceptable if un-translated into English and/or expired.
      You will also be required to send in with the application a copy of “Certification of Licensure” from the real estate commission in the state you are reciprocating from.

      SPECIAL NOTICE: You can only reciprocate from the state you were originally licensed.

      Student Course Demo: For a quick look at how our online courses work click on

      I hope this information will answer most of your questions about the licensing process but if you have additional questions, please call my cell phone (251) 979-2530 or drop me an e-mail. I am here to assist you every way I can.
      Thanks, James

  9. I’ve been a licensed Real Estate Broker Associate in Colorado for 22+ years. I’m interested in getting an Independent Broker’s license in Alabama which will allow me to work on my own. I’m not sure of the terminology in Alabama but my intentions are to work for myself without employing other Brokers/Sales People. How do I obtain this license and what are the cost associated with maintaining the license?

    1. Post

      Wanda I’m not real sure about your Colorado license. Some state have associate broker positions which are actually a salesperson in other states. If you got a Colorado brokers license by examination,then you can complete a 6 hour reciprocal broker prelicense, take and pass a 40 question state exam and get an Alabama Broker License that will allow you to open your own agency so long as you meet all other requirements. Due to all the variations I suggest you call me so we can discuss all possibilities. My phone number is 251-979-2530.

      1. Hi James,
        Is Alabama reciprocal with Virginia? I have my Virginia Associate Broker’s license and I will be maintaining that, as well as my Maryland and Washington, DC licenses because I’m continuing business here, but I am moving to Alabama later this year. Can you tell me more about opening my own agency in Alabama once I obtain my broker’s license there? I may want to just park my license somewhere until I settle a bit. Is there a time limit on where I have to put my license to be Active?

        1. Post

          Thank you Kelly. That is a very good question and I am happy to answer all them.Alabama does reciprocal with Virginia and almost all other states.It is a simple process. You complete a 6-hour Reciprocal broker course and then sit for a 40-question state exam. I have this course for $99 which is an online course. It takes about two weeks to get your license. You can have the license issued as active or inactive.A license can sit inactive for an unlimited time.When you decide to open an office in Alabama it must be a brick & mortar building in commercially zoned area. There are other possibilities but we really need to discuss them on the phone due to space in this response. My phone number is 251-979-2530. I hope you find this helpful.

  10. Can the 6 hour broker recoprocity exam be taken online or does one have to travel to Alabama to take it in person?

    1. Post

      Pamela you wouldn’t have to take the broker reciprocal exam in Alabama but you would have to take it at an official AMP testing company in your state wherever offered. The exam is given on a computer in their location.

  11. I understand that once I’ve successfully passed the reciprocal broker’s course work that I can take the exam. I would like to do that immediately after I pass the course. Can you tell me what dates are the reciprocal broker’s tests given, in Alabama?

    1. Post

      You can get reciprocal license for Alabama in 10-14 days from beginning to end but there are specific steps that must be followed prior to actually sitting for the state exam. I direct all my student through the entire process step by step as needed. The exam is given Monday through Friday of each week.They generally only test five people in the morning and five in the afternoon. AMP will usually set your exam date within five days from the date you request to take an exam.

  12. One more question: How quickly will the Board in Montgomery issue my license, once I’ve passed the licensing exam? Do you know if it’s possible for that to happen within a few days?

    1. Post

      Once the application package is received by the Alabama Real Estate Commission, they will usually issue a reciprocal license within 72 hours. If you complete the course work quickly, you can generally have a license in 10-14 days from the date you purchased the course.

  13. I live very close to the Alabama/ TN state line and am a licensed salesperson. Can I obtain a reciprocal license for Alabama and put my license with different brokers, one in Al and one in TN?

    1. Post

      First let me thank you for inquiring about the process of getting real estate license. We have a lot of information on the school website, that you can read but I am happy to walk you through the entire process as follows:
      Step 1. You must complete a 60-hour Sales Prelicense Course. This can be accomplished in either a classroom setting or via the internet. I am a strong proponent of the online courses for several reasons. They are less expensive, they are more convenient to the student, there is less interruptions which helps the student stay focused on the subject matter, and online students seem to make much higher exam scores. My cost for the online course is $260 and for your convenience I am providing you this direct link to purchase: This Sales Prelicense package is everything you need, and it’s all online.
      A. Within a matter of minutes from purchasing the course, you can be logged in and beginning your studies. You can log in and out of the course as often as needed to fit your requirements. Every time you log back in, it takes you back to the last page you were on. You can revisit any area of the course that you have already taken but you can’t advance beyond the material you have already covered until you complete the assignments. You have six months from the date of purchase to complete the online course. There are quizzes throughout the course which makes sure you are comprehending what is being taught. The quizzes are great learning tools. After completing the entire online course you will take an online test that you must answer 75% or better correctly. Upon passing this test, you will move forward in the testing process to the next step.
      B. The next step is to take a proctored exam that I give at our school (provided you live near the school). There is no charge for this proctored exam. The proctored exam consist of 100 multiple-choice questions in a paper format. You must make 75 or better to pass. For students living in other parts of the state, the proctored exam is taken at a Public Library nearest or most convenient to you. I assist the student is getting this exam set up. Upon passing this proctored exam you will advance to the next step.
      C. Prior to taking the proctored exam I will instruction you how to pre-register with the real estate commission and you will be given an ID number. Once you send me the ID number I will issue designated credits to the Alabama Real Estate Commission and they in turn will issued the credits with AMP (the state testing company) which allows you to sit for the state exam. The State exam consist of 100 questions covering the national portion and 40 questions on Alabama License Law. The passing score is 70 or better. In Alabama, state exams are offered in Mobile, Montgomery, Birmingham, Athens, and Huntsville. For students from other states, you will be able to select a city most convenient for you. When signing up to take the state exam, the testing company will list the cities they offer Alabama exams in your state.
      Step 2. Upon passing the state exam you apply for a temporary sales license which will allow you to begin listing and selling real estate. You are now beginning your new career, however, within six months from the day you passed the state exam, you must complete a 30-hour Post License Course. Our cost for this online course is $186 and can be purchased by clicking on this link: This is a fun course because it is providing you information that will help you jumpstart your new career. After completing the online course ( the same process as the Sales Prelicense Course, above) you will then take another proctored exam. This proctored exam consist of only 50 question and is in paper form. Upon passing this proctored exam I will issues the necessary credits to the Real Estate Commission which will allow you to apply for your permanent sales license.
      Step 3. In this step I want to explain the relationship I have with the students taking online courses. It is just like sitting in a classroom in a sense. I am always available to answer your questions or explain things in more detail to make sure you completely understand the material you are studying. I will assist and direct you through each of the licensing processes. I encourage you not to be overwhelmed with the overall licensing process. Don’t be concerned with what comes next; just take it one step at a time, and before you know it, it is all behind you. Online courses are designed to take the same amount of time to complete as if you are sitting in a classroom, however that totally depends on your personal learning abilities. Some people read and learn faster than others. Some students comprehend by reading something only one time, and some of us have to read something twice to comprehend the meaning behind the statement. One of the good things about online courses is they allow a person to learn at their own speed.

      Step 4. Upon passing the state exam, they will give you a packet that contains an application for temporary license. You will complete that application and send it to the real estate commission. Effective July 1, 2015 you must also send in a fingerprint card. If you test in Alabama, the testing company will provide the fingerprint card in the package. If you are testing in a state other than Alabama you need to call the Alabama Real Estate Commission (334-242-5544), ask for the licensing department, and ask them to mail you a fingerprint card. You can usually get the card printed through an Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. At least they can give you proper directions. Below is a list of things you must take with you.
      A valid unexpired U.S. state-issued photo driver’s license or photo ID (non-drive) card;
      A valid unexpired Active Duty, Retiree or Reservist military ID card (DD Form 2 or 2A);
      A valid unexpired U.S. Military Dependent ID card (for spouse or children of Active Duty Military personnel);
      A valid unexpired U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Documentation, which may include:
      Certificate of Naturalization N-550, N-570, N-578; or
      Certificate of Citizenship N-560, N-561, N-645
      A valid unexpired U.S. Passport; or
      A valid unexpired Foreign Passport which meets the following requirements:
      A foreign passport must contain a Valid U.S. Visa or I-94 to be used as a primary proof of identification; or
      A foreign passport, not issued in English, must be translated and accompanied by a Certificate of Accurate Translation. Passports are not acceptable if un-translated into English and/or expired.

      Student Course Demo: For a quick look at how our online courses work click on
      I hope this information will answer most of your questions about the licensing process but if you have additional questions, please call my cell phone (251) 979-2530 or drop me an e-mail. I am here to assist you every way I can.
      Thanks, James

  14. So if I have a Washington license I only have to take 6 hours for the Alabama license, and I can use that to get the Florida and then Georgia licenses too? Or it doesn’t work that way? I am an agent in Washington but this weather drives me absolutely insane and I am seriously considering moving down to Pensacola. I notice it is rather close to Alabama as well as Georgia which is why I am asking. I asked about transferring my license directly to Florida but was told it cannot be done that way.

    Thank you!

    1. Post

      DeeAnna I am so glad you asked that question because it is a little more complicated. First of all it important for you to understand that you can only reciprocate from a state in which you were originally licensed by examination. Alabama reciprocates with Washington so you can get a reciprocal license in Alabama by completing a 6 hour course and passing a 40 question state exam on Alabama License Law (covered in the course). I don’t think Florida reciprocates with Washington but you would need to ask the Florida real estate commission about that. You would not be able to get a reciprocal license from Alabama to Florida or Georgia because you were not originally licensed in Alabama. You will never be able to reciprocate a from any state other than Washington. I will email you a step by step explanation of how to get an Alabama reciprocal license.
      Thank you, James

    1. Post

      Yes if you have a license in North Carolina and you originally got your license in that state, you can get a reciprocal license in Alabama by completing the 6-hour course specific to the type license you current hold in North Carolina and passing a 40 question state exam.

  15. I am currently licensed in Wisconsin and would like to be licensed in Alabama and Florida targeting golfers. When I get the Alabama License first, would Florida which reciprocates with Alabama accept that license with their rules and regulations towards licensing there? Thanks

    1. Post
  16. Just to confirm…If I have my FL real estate license, & take the 6 hr reciprocal course and pass exams and obtain my AL real estate license, i can practice real estate in both states? Even though I reside in AL, may I still sell real estate in FL without penalty?

    1. Post

      As far as I know Florida does not have a law that requires you to live in Florida in order to practice real estate. Thus the answer to your question is yes, you can practice in both states. It’s not a problem with Alabama law but just to confirm it you might check with the Florida real estate commission.

    1. Post
  17. I am an Alabama resident with a Florida Real Estate Salesperson license. I took the fast track one week course in Florida so that i could get my Alabama license faster than 6-8 weeks night course. Each time I inquire about where to find the 6 hour Alabama Law course for 99.00. I always ALWAYS get sent to a site requiring me to pay over 200.00 for the 6 hour course. Can you please send me a link that carries me directly to what i want. Also while taking the course can I stop it and pick it back up the next day as I am dependent upon public library computer to take the course ( no internet available where I live at present)
    Thank you in advance for helping me over this obstacle

    1. Post

      From my website homepage click on the blue square that says reciprocal salesperson or reciprocal broker (it is specific to the license you currently hold). When the page opens that has the courses listed simply scroll down and you will see my reciprocal course for $99.

    1. Post
  18. If I am currently licensed in GA, I first need to take the 6 hour course, then take the exam on Alabama license law? I would love it if you can email the full process. looking to start very soon.

    1. Post

      I have emailed you the information about getting a reciprocal license into Alabama but I will also put it here for your convenience.
      First let me thank you for inquiring about the process of getting an Alabama Reciprocal real estate license. We have a lot of information on the school website, that you can read but I am happy to walk you through the entire process as follows:
      Step 1. You must complete a 6-hour Sales Prelicense Course. It is important that you select the proper course because they are specific to the license you currently hold. For example if you are a salesperson you need to purchase the “Alabama Reciprocal Salesperson Course”; if you are a broker, then you need to purchase the “Alabama Broker Reciprocal Course.” Both of our reciprocal courses are 100% online. There are no books or study guides. Everything covered on the required 40 question state exam is covered in these courses. I am a strong proponent of the online courses for several reasons. They are less expensive, they are more convenient to the student, there are less interruptions which helps the student stay focused on the subject matter, and online students seem to make much higher exam scores. My cost for the online courses are $99 and for your convenience I am providing you this direct link to purchase:
      Alabama Reciprocal Salesperson then scroll down to the third option.
      Alabama Reciprocal Broker then scroll down to the second option.
      Both Reciprocal Prelicense package is everything you need, and it’s all online.
      A. Within a matter of minutes from purchasing the course, you can be logged in and beginning your studies. You can log in and out of the course as often as needed to fit your requirements. Every time you log back in, it takes you back to the last page you were on. You can revisit any area of the course that you have already taken but you can’t advance beyond the material you have already covered until you complete the assignments. You have six months from the date of purchase to complete the online course. There are quizzes throughout the course which makes sure you are comprehending what is being taught. The quizzes are great learning tools. After completing the entire online course you will take an online test that you must answer 75% or better correctly. Upon passing this test, you will move forward in the testing process to the next step.
      B. The next step is very simple. I will send you a document to complete and send back to me. I will also send you a link to use to pre register with the.Alabama Real Estate Commission. Upon completing this process you will be issued an identification number.
      C. Once you send me the ID number I will issue the designated credits to the Alabama Real Estate Commission and they in turn will forward the credits to AMP (the state testing company) which allows you to sit for the state exam. I will then send you an email with a link and instructions for setting up the state exam. The State exam consist of 40 questions covering only the state portion, all on Alabama License Law. The passing score is 70 or better. In Alabama, state exams are offered in Mobile, Montgomery, Birmingham, Athens, and Huntsville. For students from other states, you will be able to select a city most convenient for you. When signing up to take the state exam, the testing company will list the cities they offer Alabama exams in your state.
      Step 2. Upon passing the state exam the testing company will give you a packet that contains an application for Alabama license. You will complete that application and send it to the real estate commission. Effective July 1, 2015 you must also send in a fingerprint card. Testing companies located in Alabama will also provide you with the fingerprint card. Students taking the state exam in another state, the card can also be obtained by contacting the Alabama Real Estate Commission at 334-242-5544 and ask for the licensing department. The Commission will mail the card to you. It can be emailed.You can also obtain it through a Law Enforcement Agency. At least they can give you proper directions. Electronic fingerprint cards are not accepted. They must be professionally rolled. Below is a list of things you must take with you.
      A valid unexpired U.S. state-issued photo driver’s license or photo ID (non-drive) card;
      A valid unexpired Active Duty, Retiree or Reservist military ID card (DD Form 2 or 2A);
      A valid unexpired U.S. Military Dependent ID card (for spouse or children of Active Duty Military personnel);
      A valid unexpired U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Documentation, which may include:
      Certificate of Naturalization N-550, N-570, N-578; or
      Certificate of Citizenship N-560, N-561, N-645
      A valid unexpired U.S. Passport; or
      A valid unexpired Foreign Passport which meets the following requirements:
      A foreign passport must contain a Valid U.S. Visa or I-94 to be used as a primary proof of identification; or
      A foreign passport, not issued in English, must be translated and accompanied by a Certificate of Accurate Translation. Passports are not acceptable if un-translated into English and/or expired.
      You will also be required to send in with the application a copy of “Certification of Licensure” from the real estate commission in the state you are reciprocating from.

      SPECIAL NOTICE: You can only reciprocate from the state you were originally licensed.

      I hope this information will answer most of your questions about the licensing process but if you have additional questions, please call my cell phone (251) 979-2530 or drop me an e-mail. I am here to assist you every way I can.
      Thanks, James

  19. I am a licensed sales associate in Florida. We are developing an office building in Alabama, which I will be a party to the owner-developer. Do I need to have Alabama reciprocity to conduct leasing and marketing of the site, or am I allowed to by the letter of the law since I am an owner-developer? If so, does my broker need Alabama reciprocity too? Or, if I have reciprocity as a sales associate that will suffice?

    1. Post

      David to make sure I answer your question correctly, I sought the opinion of Chris Booth, the senior counsel for the Alabama Real Estate Commission. Below is his response to your situation.
      Owners of property are given an exemption from licensure under 34-27-2(b)(1) . This exemption is further explained in Administrative Rule 790-X-1-.03(1) . The Commission interprets these requirements to mean that someone that has ownership of real property through ownership of an entity (Corporation, LLC or Partnership) must also having sufficient managerial control of the entity to make independent decision regarding the sale, purchase or rental of the property owned by the entity for the owners exemption to apply to that individual. Said another way the individual wanting the owners exemption for entity owned property must have an ownership interest in the entity and the ability to deal with that property by themselves without going back to anyone else for approval.

  20. Hi,
    I hold a Florida real estate license but am currently living in Tennessee. I am looking to get my Alabama license. Is there a different process than the 6-hour course since I am not a resident of Florida or Alabama. Please advise. Thank you

    1. Post

      Janna the state you live in doesn’t matter. What’s important is do you still have your Florida license and is Florida where you were originally licensed. You can only reciprocate a license from the state which you were licensed by examination.
      If you were originally licensed in Florida, and you still have a license in Florida, you can take a special 6-hour reciprocal course, and then take a 40 question state exam to get an Alabama license. Look at my response to Brittany below to see the full requirements for getting a reciprocal license in Alabama. Let me know if I can answer any other questions.
      Thanks, James

  21. I’m a broker in CA and AZ and want a broker’s license in AL. So all I need to do ittake this course and pass the exam and I can broker in AL?

    1. Post

      Yep that’s all there is to it. A very simple process. FYI, you can only reciprocate from the state in which you were originally licensed by examination so make sure you reciprocate from the correct state. I also sent you an email explaining it in more detail.

  22. Hi James,
    I am licensed Realtor in Ohio and thinking of getting my Alabama license. What is needed to accomplish?
    Thank You!

    1. Post

      Due to the amount of space required, I have emailed you a complete explanation of the process for getting an Alabama Reciprocal Real Estate License.

  23. Hello,
    I am licensed by reciprocity in the State of Georgia since 2005. I still hold my Virginia license which is inactive status although I just did all my hours. To take it out of inactive status I would have to be affiliated with a brokerage in Virginia I have been licensed in Va since 1994 I use to be a referring agent with my old company Re Max
    Allegiance. I understand I must take the reciprocity 6 hour class , which can be taken on line. Can the exam be taken on line as well or do I have to go to Alabama and sit for it. Please tell me what I must get my license and associate with a broker in Alabama. Does the state of Alabama accept an inactive license.It would cost several hundred dollars to place my license with broker.

    1. Post

      I have sent you an email answering all your questions and more. The entire process is quick and simple. I will guide you through each step with complete instrucitons. It doesn’t matter wether your license are active on inactive. FYI a person can only reciprocate from the state they were originally licensed by examination.

  24. Hi,
    I am currently licensed in Florida and Nevada, and have been selling real estate for nearly 20 years. However, I first started in Virginia, but that was quite awhile back and my license expired many years ago.
    – How does this affect my requirements to be licensed in Alabama? Since FL has reciprocity with AL, can”t I just take the AL 6-hr course and then the state test?
    Thank you for your time.

    1. Post

      If I understand your situation, you were originally licensed in Virginia and later got a license in Florida by reciprocity. Currently you no longer have a license in Virginia. That being the case, you can not get an Alabama license by reciprocity. You can only reciprocate from the state in which you were originally licensed by examination.

      To get an Alabama license you will need start over from the very beginning by taking the 60-hour sales prelicense course, sitting for the state exam, and complete all educational requirements as though you have never been licensed before.

      I hope you find this information helpful. If you have additional questions just contact me and I’d be happy to assist you.

      1. Hi and thank you for getting back to me. I wanted to clarify my current situation. I was originally licensed in Virginia back in early 2000’s, but that license expired. I am currently still a licensed realtor in both Nevada and Florida, but not by reciprocity since those states don’t reciprocate, unfortunately. I received my license by going through the entire education, testing, and licensing process in both states, as if I had never been a realtor. I would love to be able to take advantage of the Alabama reciprocity with either Nevada or Florida, if it is possible. Please let me know if I can do this, and if so, I would like to take your 60-hr course and go from there. Thank you for your assistance.

        1. Post

          Since you have a license by examination, you can get a license in Alabama by reciprocity. You only have to complete a six hour course (specific to the license you hold such as broker or salesperson) and take a 40 question state exam on Alabama License Law only. It is a very simple and quick process and I am happy to assist you from beginning to end.

  25. I currently hold an inactive license in Virginia (expires Sept 2018) and have moved to Alabama to live. Can I apply for a license by reciprocity or do I need to start all over with the 60 hour course? I plan on living in Alabama and working in real estate long past Sept 2018.

    1. Post

      It doesn’t matter that your Virginia license is inactive. The main question is did you get a real estate license in Virginia by examination. If so you can complete a six hour course and take a 40 question state exam and get an Alabama license by reciprocity. After you purchase my course, I will assist and direct you every step of the way. It is a quick and simple process. If you do everything right and quickly, it is possible to get a license in 10-14 days. If you have questions just call me. 251-979-2530

  26. I am a Realtor and live in Ohio. I would like to obtain my license in Alabama. Do they offer an online licensing course – would like to learn about the qualifications for reciprocity.
    thank you.

    1. Post

      First let me thank you for inquiring about the process of getting an Alabama Reciprocal real estate license. We have a lot of information on the school website, that you can read but I am happy to walk you through the entire process as follows:
      Step 1. You must complete a 6-hour Reciprocal Sales or Broker Prelicense Course. It is important that you select the proper course because they are specific to the license you currently hold. For example if you are a salesperson you need to purchase the “Alabama Reciprocal Salesperson Course”; if you are a broker, then you need to purchase the “Alabama Broker Reciprocal Course.” Both of our reciprocal courses are 100% online. There are no books or study guides. Everything covered on the required 40 question state exam is covered in these courses. I am a strong proponent of the online courses for several reasons. They are less expensive, they are more convenient to the student, there are less interruptions which helps the student stay focused on the subject matter, and online students seem to make much higher exam scores. My cost for the online courses are $99 and for your convenience I am providing you this direct link to purchase:
      Alabama Reciprocal Salesperson then scroll down to the third option.
      Alabama Reciprocal Broker then scroll down to the second option.
      Both Reciprocal Prelicense package is everything you need, and it’s all online.
      A. Within a matter of minutes from purchasing the course, you can be logged in and beginning your studies. You can log in and out of the course as often as needed to fit your requirements. Every time you log back in, it takes you back to the last page you were on. You can revisit any area of the course that you have already taken but you can’t advance beyond the material you have already covered until you complete the assignments. You have six months from the date of purchase to complete the online course. There are quizzes throughout the course which makes sure you are comprehending what is being taught. The quizzes are great learning tools. After completing the entire online course you will take an online test that you must answer 75% or better correctly. Upon passing this test, you will move forward in the testing process to the next step.
      B. The next step is very simple. I will send you a document to complete and send back to me. I will also send you a link to use to pre register with the.Alabama Real Estate Commission. Upon completing this process you will be issued an identification number.
      C. Once you send me the ID number I will issue the designated credits to the Alabama Real Estate Commission and they in turn will forward the credits to AMP (the state testing company) which allows you to sit for the state exam. I will then send you an email with a link and instructions for setting up the state exam. The State exam consist of 40 questions covering only the state portion, all on Alabama License Law. The passing score is 70 or better. In Alabama, state exams are offered in Mobile, Montgomery, Birmingham, Dothan, and Huntsville. For students from other states, you will be able to select a city most convenient for you. When signing up to take the state exam, the testing company will list the cities they offer Alabama exams in your state.
      Step 2. Upon passing the state exam ( students must take and pass the state exam with six months from the date the credits were issued) the testing company will give you a packet that contains an application for Alabama license. You will complete that application and send it to the real estate commission. All students applying for a license must also send in a fingerprint card. Testing companies located in Alabama will also provide you with the fingerprint card. Students taking the state exam in another state, the card can also be obtained by contacting the Alabama Real Estate Commission at 334-242-5544 and ask for the licensing department. The Commission will mail the card to you. It can be emailed.You can also obtain it through a Law Enforcement Agency. At least they can give you proper directions. Electronic fingerprint cards are not accepted. They must be professionally rolled. Below is a list of things you must take with you.
      A valid unexpired U.S. state-issued photo driver’s license or photo ID (non-drive) card;
      A valid unexpired Active Duty, Retiree or Reservist military ID card (DD Form 2 or 2A);
      A valid unexpired U.S. Military Dependent ID card (for spouse or children of Active Duty Military personnel);
      A valid unexpired U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Documentation, which may include:
      Certificate of Naturalization N-550, N-570, N-578; or
      Certificate of Citizenship N-560, N-561, N-645
      A valid unexpired U.S. Passport; or
      A valid unexpired Foreign Passport which meets the following requirements:
      A foreign passport must contain a Valid U.S. Visa or I-94 to be used as a primary proof of identification; or
      A foreign passport, not issued in English, must be translated and accompanied by a Certificate of Accurate Translation. Passports are not acceptable if un-translated into English and/or expired.
      You will also be required to send in with the application a copy of “Certification of Licensure” from the real estate commission in the state you are reciprocating from.

      SPECIAL NOTICE: You can only reciprocate from the state you were originally licensed by examination.

      I hope this information will answer most of your questions about the licensing process but if you have additional questions, please call my cell phone (251) 979-2530 or drop me an e-mail. I am here to assist you every way I can.
      Thanks, James

      1. Thank you for the information, it is most helpful. I will be enrolling with your company for the 6 hour class. Thanks again!

    1. Post
  27. I currently live in Florida and am enrolled in a course to get my Florida real estate sales license. I may be moving to Alabama (on the border of Florida) Can I get my real estate license for Alabama and sell in both states or can I only be under one broker in either state?

    1. Post

      Marlo that is a good question. Once you get a Florida license, you can get an Alabama license by reciprocity.If your Florida broker has an Alabama broker license, you can put your Alabama license under the broker in Florida and you can sell in both states. It they don’t then you must put your license with a broker in Alabama. Either way you can sell in both states. The only question is where your license will be placed.
      I hope you find this helpful. Feel free to contact me at 251-979-2530 or by email at if you need more specific information.

  28. I have a Georgia Real estate license and a reciprocal for Alabama. Is there a post license course required with a reciprocal license? If so, what are my options there?


    1. Post

      Amanda Alabama does not require a post license course after getting a reciprocal license. You will however have to take six hours of Risk Management (3-hrs level one and 3-hrs level two).

  29. Once I take the exam and get the Alabama license, am I required to hang my license with a broker and pay monthly office fees or since I am a licensed agent in Georgia working for a broker, can that be sufficient. Other than exam fees, are there additional monthly and / or annual fees that I would need to pay in Alabama?

    1. Post

      You can hang your license with your broker in Georgia provided your broker has an Alabama license and has set up a company license for his Alabama transactions. Other wise you will have to put your license with an Alabama broker. Additional cost depends on where your license are placed and if you have access to MLS and the cost of various programs your company offers.

  30. James .. I originally was licensed in CA .. let it lapse in 1994 and moved to Arizona where I got my license in 2003 which is where I currently live and do most of my work. I went back and got my CA license once again in 2015 .. so which state would you recommend I reciprocate from?

    1. Post

      You can only reciprocate from a state where your were originally licensed by examination. For example; if you got your California license the second time by reciprocisty from Arizona, you can not reciprocate from California but you can reciprocate from Arizona.

      I hope this answers your questions.

  31. I am broker in Texas. How can i get Broker license in Alabama ? Once i get Broker license , do i have to have realtor with Alabama license or i my self can do transaction

    1. Post

      All Alabama licenses are issued to a qualifying broker. All salespeople and associate broker must work under a qualifying broker.If you currently have a company in Texas you could purchase a company license in Alabama and use the address of your company in Texas. The company license cost about $170 for two years. I will email you complete instructions for getting a reciprocal license in Alabama. It’s a very simple, quick process.

  32. I am an agent/investor in Houston TX. Once I have gone thru this process and obtained the reciprocal license, how many days do I have to find an Alabama broker to hang my license? In Alabama, can I hang my license in multiple brokerages, say one in Montgomery and one in Birmingham? The reason is I need to look for properties in both Birmingham and Montgomery areas. Thanks.

    1. Post

      I think we have already spoken on the phone but I will tell you all license in Alabama are assigned to one company in only one location. However a licensed salesperson can sell real property in all counties in the State of Alabama.

  33. Hello, just starting the process, so I apologize if this question has already been asked and answered. I am a licensed Florida Real Estate Agent, with an active license I’ve maintained. But I currently live near Nashville. I am planning a move to the Birmingham area and so I intend to obtain my Alabama license. My questions are: 1: Once I take the online class you offer, pass the state 40 question test, and move through the process to become a licensed Alabama agent, have I given up my Florida license? Or can I remain my licensure in both states? 2: What is are your percentages for students who pass, or who pass on the first try? Do your students have a good success rate at passing the state exam?

    Thank you

    1. Post

      These are very good questions that I’m happy to answer. No you will not be giving up your Florida license. At the point you complete the course, exam and are issued an Alabama license through the reciprosicity method, you will be licensed in both states. I can’t tell you my passage rate because it changes every day and I don’t want to misquote anything. The normal passage rate for reciprocal students is 90-95% on the first attempt. Occasionally someone really screws up the percentage by not paying attention to the course material and then they fail the exam a couple time. The course is short, the material is easy and the exam is easy. There is no reason to fail the exam.
      I hope you find this helpful.

  34. Hello, I currently hold a California Real Estate License. I am looking to get my license in Alabama and Mississippi as well. Does Alabama have a reciprocity with California? If so what is the process necessary, and if not will I need to complete the 60 hour course work, and 30 hour post work to meet Alabama state requirements?

  35. I am licensed in TN and have clients wanting to buy a home in AL. I am looking into getting a reciprocal license, but I’m unsure what happens after that. If my TN broker doesn’t have an Alabama license or company license, will that affect my ability to sell in AL?

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