CE Classroom Dates & Info

No classroom CE classes currently scheduled at this time.

Check back often for new updates or register for the same class online.

All classes will be held at the:
Orange Beach Community Center
27235 Canal Rd. Orange Beach, Alabama 36561

Licensee's taking both days will receive 15-hours CE Credit, which meets all state requirements for the license renewal year 2020. It will also meet the Code of Ethics Training required by the National Association of Realtors®.

Licensee's can select the classes they want to attend or they can take both full days. Our schedule will show the cost and CE credits for each course.

We take a 10 min. break each hour and lunch from 12 - 1 pm

The class dates are as follows:
March 25th - 26th
April 29th - 30th
May 20th - 21st
June 9th - 10th
July 7th - 8th
August 19th - 20th - SOLD OUT
September 23rd - 24th - SOLD OUT

Dates for next year to be announced soon, check back often.

Day One Day Two (Elective Courses)
Click here to register for all 15 hours - $150.00

Register & Buy Online Below