Meaningful Conversation for Alabama Realtors

2012 is license renewal year for Realtors® in Alabama and each agent must complete 15 hours of Continuing Education which is required by the Alabama Real Estate Commission. I have been holding CE classes all across the state and have noticed so many agents experiencing difficulties with the delicate balance between our RECAD requirements and having a meaningful conversation when …

Establishing Relationships

People buy retail items from total strangers without giving it a second thought. Generally the sales person is only collecting money for goods they have. It requires a minimum amount of trust. With very expensive items such as cars and jewelry, buyers are a little more skeptical and even distrusting. People buying real estate are in many cases, making the …

We Can Learn From Coach Nick Saban

As a sales trainer I spend much of my time trying to motivate people. Helping them realize they truly can become what they want to be. It makes no difference whether their goals are strictly financial or they simply want to take their career to the next level. The most successful people, regardless the industry they work, all seem to …

Gratification of A Real Estate Career

Gratification is the reward beyond income earned by a real estate agent for providing consumers quality service. I believe gratification to be an intangible, internal feeling of accomplishment for helping someone beyond fiduciary duties. More times than not, the consumer don’t even realize the magnitude of service you have provided because it wasn’t openly discussed. For example, people I have …

The Internet in Real Estate

I think we can all agree that the Internet has changed the way we do business. In fact it has changed the way everything works world-wide. This didn’t happen overnight. The migratory process in development of the Internet, as we know it today, has been over thirty years in the making. Today we see Internet use change almost daily. That …

Qualifying Broker Responsibilities

Just exactly what are the responsibilities of a qualifying broker? This is a difficult question to answer since we are limited to space. “Broker Responsibilities” is a more fitting title for a book, but I’ll attempt to share some of the major responsibilities. In most cases, the owner of a real estate agency also assumes the role of a qualifying …

Just Tell It Like It Is

The most important fact an Alabama real estate agent can share with prospective buyers and sellers of real property in Alabama is that Alabama laws are different than most other states. Especially those states adjacent to Alabama because industry standards tend to spread across state lines. Alabama is a “Caveat Emptor” state. This simply means “buyer beware!”  To be more …

Convert Leads to Clients

There are an unlimited number of ways to generate new leads for people wanting to buy or sell real estate. The most popular way in today’s market is internet generated leads. This is largely due to the number of people searching the internet to better educate themselves on real estate values. Through their searches, their contact information is captured creating …

Four Divisions of A Successful Career

A few days ago I was watching a training film by a prominent coach in the PGA circuit. He began breaking down the golf game into four major areas that good golfers need to focus on. As I listened to him strategically break down each area, I began to notice the same characteristics for a professional sales career. As a …

The Mindset of a Successful Salesperson

Mindset is probably the most important trait that leads to success in sales, yet it is the least thought of in regards to importance. The mindset of a professional salesperson is similarly just as important as an engine to an automobile. A car may be beautiful and loaded with amenities. It may have all the bells and whistles but without …