Some owners discount the importance of having their property listed during the Holiday Season, especially from Thanksgiving through New Years. For the most part, they are convinced that people don’t buy property during this time because their minds are directed to more important things. Even if people are out looking at property, many owners don’t want to be bothered with …
Year Ending Sales Opportunities
Tis the Season to be Jolly; Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everybody and May you have a happy, safe, and most prosperous New Year. This is old Santa bringing you an early gift. For many real estate agents, December is the slowest month of the year. The reason is due to mental inabilities to process the power of reasoning. Other …
Communication—A Major Tool For Success
The most powerful asset we have as sales people is the ability to communicate. This is also an asset that most sales people have never developed. Sales people need to have the ability to communicate with people they have never spoken with before if they wish to become successful. Proper communication requires much practice before you can realign your comfort …
Why Salespeople Should Smile
In my training classes I teach people the importance of smiling and I’m always interested in the facial expressions of my students during my presentation. Much of the time most students will have a blank look on their face; which tells me they don’t believe what I’m saying. When I entered the sales field in 1969, my brother told me …
The Oldest Method for Lead Generation Still Works
If you were to ask a thousand real estate agents, “Do you have enough clients to produce the income you need to reach your goals,” I’m almost positive you would get a big “NO” very quickly, from the vast majority. Before a sale can be made, or a property can be listed, an agent must find someone that is interested …
A Pathway to Success
I am frequently questioned about productivity coaching, in general how it works, what costs are associated with coaching, and can I guarantee their success. Most state their reason for inquiring as, “My business has stopped growing,” or “I’m in a real slump right now, how can I jump start it?” I would love to give them a two-minute method they …
This is a question everyone should ask themselves every day. For those in sales, especially those whose income in totally commission based, it is essential to address this question many times a day! I am currently a personal coach to many real estate agents, to help them reach their desired financial goals. When they first contact me, inquiring about coaching …
Classroom vs. Online Comparison
Hardly a day goes by that I don’t get a phone call or an email concerning some type of Prelicense class. Alabama License Law requires anyone desiring to get license to sell real estate in Alabama, must take a 60-hour Sales Prelicense course. This course can be taken in a typical classroom setting or it may be taken via the …
Are You in Focus?
I’m no whiz at photography but even I can look through a camera lens and tell if an image is in or out of focus. The reason I can tell is because I am forced into seeing only the image through a tiny lens. One eye is closed and the other is looking into the camera lens. When the image …
Being entrusted with monetary fund’s belonging to a consumer during the selling process of real estate is a huge responsibility that a broker shouldn’t take lightly. According to the Alabama License Law as found in Statute Section §34-27-36 (a) (8) a. which states, “Failing, within a reasonable time, to properly account for or remit money coming into his or her …