CE Classes in Orange Beach
CE Classes at the beach in 2018
Alabama License Law requires all licensees to renew their license prior to August 31 of the renewal year. Since licenses are renewed every other year, on even years, 2018 is our license renewal year.
Continuing Education (CE) Deadlines
Additionally, all licensees are required to complete a minimum of 15-hours continuing education between Oct. 1, 2016 and Sept. 30, 2018. If a licensee does not complete the continuing education requirements by Sept. 30, 2018, their license will automatically become inactive and cannot practice real estate in any way until they have complete the CE requirements, paid their penalty and reactivated their license.
CE Course Requirements
All Alabama licensees are required to complete a minimum of 15-hours of approved Continuing Education (CE) prior to renewal of licensure. Every licensee must complete 3-hours of mandatory “Risk Management Avoiding Violations” as a level one requirement and 3-hours of mandatory “Risk Management for Salespersons” or “Risk Management for Brokers” as a level two requirement; and 9-hours of “elective classes.” Special Notice: All Brokers must take “Risk Management for Brokers.” Salesperson’s can take either or both of the required level two Risk Management courses.
CE classes offered by Alabama Real Estate Institute in a classroom setting are listed below.
Once again we are proud to offer a selection of quality classroom classes that meet all the requirements for both Brokers and Salespersons in a two-day classroom setting.
CE Class at the beach has been set for the 2018 license renewal year. As usual they will all be held at the Orange Beach Community Center, 27235 Canal Road, Orange Beach, Al. 36561.
The dates for 2018 are as follows:
March 21-22
April 18-19
May 23-24
June 13-14
July 18-19
Aug. 22-23
Class Topics
Risk Management Avoiding Violation (3-hrs Day One 8 am-11 am) Required for everyone! $30
Risk Management for Sales Person (3-hrs Day One 11 am-3 pm w/1-hour lunch break) $30
Risk Management for Brokers (3-hrs Day One 3 pm-6 pm) Required for all qualifying brokers $30
Mining for Gold Nuggets (3-hrs Day Two 9 am-12 pm) $30
Code of Ethics (3-hrs Day One 1 pm-4 pm) $30
Taking both days meets all requirements for both salesperson and brokers for only $150 and includes a free copy of the Alabama License Law book.
I’m very excited about these classes. They promise to be educational and fun, and it will provide you opportunities to get referrals through newly established relationships. Pre-registration is required. To register for these classes simply contact James Anderson via email: [email protected] or you can call (251) 979-2530 and we will send you an application.
Online Classes
We are also proud to offer the convenience of taking classes online from your home or office. We offer special packages that meet all the requirements for either a Broker or a Salesperson. These special packages sell for only $99. To see the courses provided in these packages just click on this link and then scroll down the list of courses offered.
We take great pride in offering educational classes that are interesting and informative. We encourage classroom participation from our student to keep you engaged in the subject matter while learning from each others past experiences. We look forward to seeing you in class.
Please visit our website for additional classes and articles that may be helpful to you; www.AlabamaRealEstateInstitute.com