For some strange reason, one can mention planning and people tend to duck and run. I think this happens because people don’t understand the process of planning. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever gone to the buy groceries without a “grocery list?” If you’re like I am, when I don’t have a list to follow I buy …
Hiring an Assistant
Last week I included the 80/20 rule in reference to the amount of time a successful real estate agent should spend in generating new prospective clients. I stated that one should spend 80% of their work day contacting new leads and allot 20% of the day for taking care of all other business activities. Early in a real estate career, …
Communication—A Major Tool For Success
The most powerful asset we have as sales people is the ability to communicate. This is also an asset that most sales people have never developed. Sales people need to have the ability to communicate with people they have never spoken with before if they wish to become successful. Proper communication requires much practice before you can realign your comfort …