
Last week we had a Summit for the Distinguished Real Estate Instructors in St. Louis, Mo. In attendance were the most outstanding real estate educators across the county; from Florida to Canada, Maine to California and all states between. One of the topics discussed was judicial rulings and legal discussions concerning the legalities surrounding the use of e-signature programs. It …

Advantages of Online Education

Some people view change as exciting new possibilities. Most of us hate change. We’ve always done things a certain way and it works for us so why change?  Change is a necessity of life. If we never changed, we would still be getting around in a horse and buggy. We wouldn’t have electricity or pain killers when we go to …

Can I get out of my contract?

An attorney, if asked that question, would say, “Before I can answer that question I would have to see the contract and know more about your particular situation.” That sounds like a good response to me, but you can count on his answer costing you $100 or better just for consultation time. I would probably say the same thing but …

Real Estate Buyers – Know What You’re Signing

“AS IS” Term Can Cost You A Fortune I don’t mean to scare anyone but as a real estate educator, trainer, and coach, I feel a responsibility to everyone that might buy real estate in Alabama sometime in the future that you should be told about your legal rights and obligations. If you are former students of our school you …

Contracts To Purchase Real Estate

Real Estate Agents Want to Know One of my standard continuing education classes is Contract Law. It never fails that when I’m marketing my CE classes, people ask, “Why don’t you teach something more exciting like social networks, or something that will help us to get more business?” My come back is usually, “I have those classes in my training …