In the professional ranks of the business world, much is said about accountability, but exactly what is it? God gave us all the necessary talents and gifts we need to make a worthwhile contribution to the world in which we live. What we do with those gifts are entirely up to us. We can choose to ignore them or pursue …

Communication—A Major Tool For Success

The most powerful asset we have as sales people is the ability to communicate. This is also an asset that most sales people have never developed. Sales people need to have the ability to communicate with people they have never spoken with before if they wish to become successful. Proper communication requires much practice before you can realign your comfort …

Are You in Focus?

I’m no whiz at photography but even I can look through a camera lens and tell if an image is in or out of focus. The reason I can tell is because I am forced into seeing only the image through a tiny lens. One eye is closed and the other is looking into the camera lens. When the image …