Continuing Education Classes for 2018

CE Classes at the beach in 2018 Alabama License Law requires all licensees to renew their license prior to August 31 of the renewal year. Since licenses are renewed every other year, on even years, 2018 is our license renewal year. Continuing Education (CE) Deadlines Additionally, all licensees are required to complete a minimum of 15-hours continuing education between Oct. …


Last week we had a Summit for the Distinguished Real Estate Instructors in St. Louis, Mo. In attendance were the most outstanding real estate educators across the county; from Florida to Canada, Maine to California and all states between. One of the topics discussed was judicial rulings and legal discussions concerning the legalities surrounding the use of e-signature programs. It …

Understanding Caveat Emptor

This is a topic I try to talk about in every class I teach because it is the most important and the least understood law. I intentionally try to scare real estate agents to get them to understand the importance of the law and the effects it has on people buying real estate in Alabama. Today I will tell you …

Prototype for Real Estate Sales

One rarely thinks about all the processes an item goes through before it reaches the retail sales arena. I’m not referring to products that are grown, such as fruit and vegetables, but products that are manufactured for consumer use. There are many, many steps between the times a product is envisioned in someone’s mind, until it actually reaches the retail …

What Buyer’s Want and Need to Know

It seems I’ve opened a can of worms already talking about the dangers a buyer of real estate in Alabama faces. You might want to review some of my previous blogs such as “Meaningful Conversations for Alabama Realtors,” or “Establishing Relationships,” or “Just Tell it like it is.”  In all these blogs I explained the importance of disclosing the fact …

Material Misrepresentation—A Legal Issue

Alabama License Law Section §34-27-36 (a) (3).  Making a material misrepresentation, or failing to disclose to a potential purchase or lessee any latent structural defect or any other defect known to the licensee. Latent structural defects and other defects do not refer to trivial or insignificant defects but refer to those defects that would be a significant factor to a …