Undoubtedly people measure success by many different standards. I have heard people crediting someone for their successful career when in fact; they performed far below average in their field. In reality, I think they were actually giving the individual credit for working the same job for a long period of time or working for the same company for so many …
Hiring an Assistant
Last week I included the 80/20 rule in reference to the amount of time a successful real estate agent should spend in generating new prospective clients. I stated that one should spend 80% of their work day contacting new leads and allot 20% of the day for taking care of all other business activities. Early in a real estate career, …
The Key to a Successful Real Estate Career
The Key to a Successful Real Estate Career? This is a million dollar question, but can be answered very simply. The wheel has already been invented, tested, tried, and proven. There is a system in place that has proven productive for some 35-40 years. The system has been tweaked and fine tuned to perfection. It really works so why try …