Representation First and foremost the consumer needs to know for sure that they have a qualified Realtor® to represent them whether they are buying or selling. Don’t take this relationship for granted; know for certain. Agency relationships that establish representation cannot be assumed or implied. They must be in writing. Let me explain a few reasons why the consumer needs …
What You Need to Know About Molds
As discussed in my last post, mold is one of the nationally accepted and notable concerns affecting human health and safety issues as related to buying or selling real estate. Not all molds are bad so I told you I would discuss it in more detail. I have researched a lot of material and time will not permit me to …
Proven Health & Safety Issues
When buying real estate, health and safety issues are a major concern. Under Agency law that exists in Alabama, many agents prefer working with buyers of real estate as a Transaction Broker rather than a Single Agent in an attempt to lessen their liability. Without realizing it, they are actually increasing their liability but that’s a discussion for another day. …
Pros & Cons of Seller Disclosures
Buying a new house is probably the largest investment most people make during their lifetime. Naturally they want to make sure they do everything correctly to ensure a quality and profitable, financial investment. Questions begin dancing around in their head. How can I do that? Who can I trust to help me? I can contact a Realtor® but how can …
Planning Your New Year
For some strange reason, one can mention planning and people tend to duck and run. I think this happens because people don’t understand the process of planning. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever gone to the buy groceries without a “grocery list?” If you’re like I am, when I don’t have a list to follow I buy …
The 3-Foot Rule
Given where I live you might jump to the conclusion that I’m referring to alligator hunting or something so I will clarify the topic quickly. The 3-foot rule is specifically for real estate sales people. It simply means that you should talk real estate to every person that comes within three-foot of you. I have also been teaching this technique …
More Alabama CE Requirements for 2014
It has been less than two weeks since our CE deadline for 2012 and I’m already looking forward to 2014? Yes I am but for different reasons than you think. Real estate agents are the worst procrastinators I’ve seen in all the industries I work with. Alabama law requires only 15-hours of continuing education for each licensee in order to …
A Formula for Success
Everybody will listen intently and even take a quick glance at a formula that might produce gigantic sales results. Their curiosity is pricked to examine such a formula to see if there is some type of new majestic technique that will produce unbelievable results with the greatest of ease in a very short period of time. I will share a …
Social Networks—Good or Bad?
I am writing this article from the perspective of a retired real estate agent that now focuses full-time on educating agents. With more than 40 years actual experience in real estate, most lead generation techniques I used are considered to be obsolete. The Internet has re-energized the excitement of lead generating and has simplified the process by streamlining social networks …
The Process for Listing your Home for Sale
Selling your home is a very simple process isn’t? You simple contact a real estate agent, tell them what you want for your home and they list it. Correct? No it’s not quite that simple even though you won’t have any trouble finding a Realtor® to list it for you. Buying and selling real estate is one of the largest …