Real estate agents from across the country prompted me to write this article. If we step back in time 50-60 years, people were loyal to each other. They were loyal to the people they did business with. The giving and receiving of loyalty was expected. It was almost like an unwritten law of conduct. In many cases, deals were made with …
Social Networks
Social Networks seem to be a main topic of discussion anywhere two or more real estate agents are gathered. Almost everyone uses Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or one of the many networks in an attempt to find prospective clients. Can you really find clients on Social Networks? If so, which ones are best served for finding people that want to buy …
Handling Fear of Rejection
Fear of rejection is probably the most common disease associated with sales people. No I didn’t make a slip of the tongue. I consider fear of rejection a very deadly disease to a sales career. Fear hits a person at a very early age and if uncontested, it becomes cancerous; to the point it is such a large obstacle, it …
Success by Association
As a real estate educator, I am often confronted by students that are completing their prelicense course. These students inquire about various real estate companies and especially the companies that are national franchises. They are inquisitive about the various payment plans, monthly desk fees, and if the company provides training. Naturally I am more than willing to share my knowledge …
Social Networks—Good or Bad?
I am writing this article from the perspective of a retired real estate agent that now focuses full-time on educating agents. With more than 40 years actual experience in real estate, most lead generation techniques I used are considered to be obsolete. The Internet has re-energized the excitement of lead generating and has simplified the process by streamlining social networks …
Finding Prospects is Easier Than You Think
Some real estate agents are in awe as to how many clients some agents have to work with, when they themselves have only a couple prospects. How did they come by so many prospects? Is it because their company is so much better or more proficient than mine? No to the last question. Ten thousand times no! If one goes …
Hiring an Assistant
Last week I included the 80/20 rule in reference to the amount of time a successful real estate agent should spend in generating new prospective clients. I stated that one should spend 80% of their work day contacting new leads and allot 20% of the day for taking care of all other business activities. Early in a real estate career, …