If you are a real estate sales person, the hardest nut to crack in your career is that of self-discipline. Since you are an independent contractor and own your own business, your days are filled with making decisions that affect the success of your entire business. Your ultimate goal is to perform tasks that produce income and to not let …
Finding Prospects is Easier Than You Think
Some real estate agents are in awe as to how many clients some agents have to work with, when they themselves have only a couple prospects. How did they come by so many prospects? Is it because their company is so much better or more proficient than mine? No to the last question. Ten thousand times no! If one goes …
Prototype for Real Estate Sales
One rarely thinks about all the processes an item goes through before it reaches the retail sales arena. I’m not referring to products that are grown, such as fruit and vegetables, but products that are manufactured for consumer use. There are many, many steps between the times a product is envisioned in someone’s mind, until it actually reaches the retail …
My Agent Didn’t Tell Me—What Can I Do?
I was asked by a reader to elaborate on a personal situation that exists in the purchase of a home. This is what she wrote; “Hi! I was wondering about a situation that I have going on with the company that sold us our home. I am having a hard time buying insurance because my roof has not been replaced …
What Buyer’s Want and Need to Know
It seems I’ve opened a can of worms already talking about the dangers a buyer of real estate in Alabama faces. You might want to review some of my previous blogs such as “Meaningful Conversations for Alabama Realtors,” or “Establishing Relationships,” or “Just Tell it like it is.” In all these blogs I explained the importance of disclosing the fact …
Establishing Relationships
People buy retail items from total strangers without giving it a second thought. Generally the sales person is only collecting money for goods they have. It requires a minimum amount of trust. With very expensive items such as cars and jewelry, buyers are a little more skeptical and even distrusting. People buying real estate are in many cases, making the …
The Internet in Real Estate
I think we can all agree that the Internet has changed the way we do business. In fact it has changed the way everything works world-wide. This didn’t happen overnight. The migratory process in development of the Internet, as we know it today, has been over thirty years in the making. Today we see Internet use change almost daily. That …
Qualifying Broker Responsibilities
Just exactly what are the responsibilities of a qualifying broker? This is a difficult question to answer since we are limited to space. “Broker Responsibilities” is a more fitting title for a book, but I’ll attempt to share some of the major responsibilities. In most cases, the owner of a real estate agency also assumes the role of a qualifying …
Just Tell It Like It Is
The most important fact an Alabama real estate agent can share with prospective buyers and sellers of real property in Alabama is that Alabama laws are different than most other states. Especially those states adjacent to Alabama because industry standards tend to spread across state lines. Alabama is a “Caveat Emptor” state. This simply means “buyer beware!” To be more …
Convert Leads to Clients
There are an unlimited number of ways to generate new leads for people wanting to buy or sell real estate. The most popular way in today’s market is internet generated leads. This is largely due to the number of people searching the internet to better educate themselves on real estate values. Through their searches, their contact information is captured creating …